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    HeriwarD App
    Discover art treasures and help
    us to preserve them.
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    Live your smart Experience
    cultural and artistic heritage
    is immense but at the same time fragile.


is more than a simple App. It's a complex software platform that supports the preservation of artistic and cultural heritage.
Anyone can join the digital HeriwarD ecosystem by using our applications.


and all citizens, can use the HeriwarD App to join the digital HeriwarD ecosystem.
They can discover cultural sites of their interest in a specific geographic area around them. They are guided during the visit, can review a cultural site and perform simplified assessments by answering to interactive questionnaires.

Cultural sites Administrators

such as Museums or Archeological sites, can use the HeriwarD Portal to join the digital HeriwarD ecosystem. They can catalog cultural digital assets, define monitored contexts, define visit paths, analyze in-site tourists movements, collect information about cultural sites popularity and condition status.

Maintenance Experts

such as specialized small enterprises, can use the HeriwarD management tool of the Portal to join the digital HeriwarD ecosystem. They can report data about condition assessments through a layered model, discover maintenance and restoration history, analyze chemical and physical parameters related to specific areas of cultural sites, discover knowledge about degradation phenomena and risk factors

Multimedia and Cultural enterprises

such as content creators, can use the HeriwarD editor tool of the Portal to join the digital HeriwarD ecosystem. They can define multi-language content, georeference it, define meta-data to enlarge the HeriwarD knowledge base.

Reserchers and Scholars

can use the HeriwarD App and Portal to join the HeriwarD ecosystem. They can study real restoration processes, discover cultural sites of their interest, generate new knowledge, easily visit cultural sites.

Public Administrators

and protection organizations can use the HeriwarD Portal to join the digital HeriwarD ecosystem. They can install monitoring sensors, analyze environmental conditions, define and manage multi-organization workflows for handling maintenance activities.

Discover how you can improve your Cultural Heritage!

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La versione prototipale sviluppata nell’ambito del progetto e rilasciata nel 2016 non è più disponibile sui market. Per ulteriori informazioni è possibile scrivere a info@heriward.com

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Via Traiano 1, 82100 Benevento, ITALY